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S h o p I f y e r s T w i n T r a f f I c W o r l d.•Sources of traffic in affiliate marketing.
Paul_McDollar, 1 , 2021
[Affiliate Marketing] & [FRAUD] & [DECENCY]
Sources of traffic for working with affiliate programs in affiliate marketing.
Nowadays only lazy people do not earn money on partner marketing, and why not? Affiliate marketing is a fast and profitable way to earn money online at a reasonable initial investment. With the right amount of knowledge about the process, you won't have much trouble doubling or even tripling your initial capital. In essence, partner marketing is about redirecting the flow of users from one target site to another. The difference between the purchase price of traffic and the cost of its subsequent sale is the webmaster's income. In words, it is simple, but in practice? As with any form of online earning, affiliate marketing has a number of features that are better known in advance. This article will be useful for those who are determined to earn serious money on affiliate marketing. If you are worried about where to get the best free and paid traffic for affiliate marketing, stay with me.
What is the source of traffic?
Traffic is the number of users who have visited your website or target page in a certain period of time; usually the number of visits is counted in terms of one day. Traffic sources (or traffic channels) are advertising platforms and networks where you can buy traffic with the 'settings' you need. Buying traffic can be done manually or it can be automated through special services. At the same time, the question remains: how do you know which source is the verified Internet traffic, and where should you not buy it? Let's sort this out together.
What to know before choosing traffic sources?
Above all, a novice webmaster needs to carefully study the frequent mistakes of the initial stage so that he himself does not have to step on his own again and again. The quotes in the case of traffic - channels can catch on at every step: inappropriate allocation of money resources, ignoring restrictions, wrong choice of target audience, offers, etc. Let us dwell on each of these points in more detail.
Cost of the traffic source.
So, suppose you have start-up capital to enter the economic environment and overcome the barrier. You need to apply these funds to attract traffic, with a potential payback. You can buy the cheapest traffic on exchanges, while social networks and contextual advertising systems ask for a much higher price. The price ranges from 3 cents to 5 dollars, but please note that the more expensive the flow of potential lids, the higher their quality, and therefore the conversion.
[Affiliate Marketing] & [FRAUD] & [DECENCY]
Volume of available traffic.
At the stage of initiation of advertising campaigns, the webmaster needs to do a lot of traffic. The reason is not to make a million dollars here and now, but to determine whether the campaigns are profitable or unprofitable immediately. Partner traffic is great way to earn money, but do you know why? Affiliate networks can provide you with a huge flow of users with preset parameters. It is easier, faster and much more convenient to work with such traffic.
Traffic restrictions.
Virtually any traffic source has its own characteristics, whether it is paid or free. Although this issue is most acute with regard to traffic for CPA. In order to get the most out of cooperation with partner networks, the limitations they impose must be taken into account. At the risk of sounding trivial, I would still say that this is your capital and you have the right to dispose of it as you wish, but no one likes to lose money, right?
Traffic quality.
Traffic on the Internet is a product, and any product can be of both high and low quality. You can determine how good a user flow is by looking at two components: origin and conversion rate. If everything is clear about origin, then conversion rate is the ability of traffic to "convert", i.e. how many users from the mass you have bought are ready to perform the action the advertiser needs. This includes purchase, subscription, registration, etc. The lower the quality of traffic, the higher the probability of 'bot traffic'. In the case of bot traffic, it is out of the question about any action, and you can forget about conversion and profit making.
Available targeting parameters.
[Affiliate Marketing] & [FRAUD] & [DECENCY]Proper targeting is half the success in partner marketing. The most popular parameters to be adopted include the following:
- interests;
- subject matter;
- language;
- geo (geographical location);
- behaviour;
- time;
- device;
- socio-demographic features.
These parameters will help you to hit the right target and engage the ideal user by offering them a truly relevant product or service.
Audience/field of activity.
Even if you have got the best paid traffic to work for CPA, wrong choice of business area and audience can seriously undermine your plans. For example, if you promote the Travel Vertical Offers, it makes no sense to show them to young mothers on maternity leave. Your audience is people between the ages of 24 and 35 who travel a lot both within the same country and abroad. Do you want high conversions? Then show your advertising to those who are really interested in it.
The best sources of traffic for work in the "CPA" type.
So we have come to a burning question, without which in partner marketing you will not last a day: where can you get users from? Especially for you, I have identified several proven places where there is excellent traffic.
Mobile traffic.
Mobile devices are gaining popularity with rabid rhythms, displacing computers everywhere as a phenomenon. In today's world, users prefer to use their smartphone to transfer data, check social networking accounts, email, watch short videos on YouTube, download games and applications, and even pay for services.
Mobile space provides a wide range of opportunities to place your offers: applications, mobile sites, social networks. The variety of advertising formats is also pleasing: from banners and short videos to natural advertising, which is considered one of the most effective.
Search traffic.
Earnings from CPA announcements, high conversions and the generation of potential customers invariably lead us to try out a source of traffic such as search engines. Contextual advertising is your key to success. With a competent approach to the analysis of the target audience and the presence of creativity, the growth of success indicators will not be long in coming. In addition to this, you get relevant users, real users. Since this type of advertising is paid per click, the cost per click in competitive areas can be quite high. You pay for the result, and a good result is definitely worth your investment.
Social media traffic.
[Affiliate Marketing] & [FRAUD] & [DECENCY]Social networks are great for attracting partner traffic. The following income options work best here:
- placement of advertising posts;
- targeting advertising;
- publication of partner links.
A huge number of webmasters today earn in social networks, because it is an effective way to form a base of potential buyers at zero investments. As a rule, they create a group or a page (community), then promote it, and then start promoting partner links. If you are just trying your hand at affiliate marketing, consider this option for earning money.
"Native" advertisement.
At present, native advertising is one of the most promising areas of content marketing. Big brands have been actively using this format of advertising for several years, being aware of its viral potential. What is the beauty of natural advertising and how do you earn from it? Firstly, it fits organically into the format of an advertising platform and is perceived by users as necessary and useful content. Secondly, native advertising is flexible enough and easily scalable to any format. Thirdly, such advertising cannot be blocked and you can be sure that it will reach the end user in 100 cases out of 100.
Native advertising is divided into 3 types:
- sponsorship content;
- recommended content;
- promoted post on the news feed.
As you may have noticed, native advertising is closely linked to social and partner networks, which are considered one of the best sources of traffic for CPA Webmasters.
Traffic by direct link.
You can also attract affiliate traffic by using a direct link (also known as a smartlink or direct link). This is a single link that you set up on the monetisation site, and it distributes users to different target pages and offers according to the parameters of geo-, device, browser, operating system, etc. Direct links work well on both mobile and computer devices, which is their competitive advantage.
In fact, a smart link makes it easier for the webmaster to work with the CPA network and monetise traffic. The whole process is as follows:
1) We get a direct link;
2) We launch the traffic;
3) The link selects for the user an offline;
4) Landing is shown to the user;
5) Conversion is in progress;
6) Webmaster receives remuneration from the advertiser.
Audience/field of activity.
Of course, the choice of the offshore and geo-location in partner marketing is of paramount importance, although the vertical (or niche) is no less important. It is important to determine in which direction you would like to work, and only then do the first steps in affilaite marketing. Nowadays, the most profitable vectors are considered:
- Beauty and health;
- Dating (online dating, webcamming, etc.);
- Mobile applications (downloads);
- Ecommerce (online shops);
- Education;
- Gambling (slot machines, casinos, etc.);
- Finance.
[Affiliate Marketing] & [FRAUD] & [DECENCY]
These areas will not lose their relevance because people will always want to look good, earn more money, have fun and make friends. So it's a good time for you to try to make some money on this.
If you don't understand anything about affiliate marketing, but you have a great desire to understand the topic, this information is for you. Beginners often start out wrong when they lose money and never earn anything. Strange as it may seem, you should start not by purchasing traffic, but by finding a suitable partner network. Next, get acquainted with the proposed providers and decide in which direction you want to go.
The next step is to choose the source of your traffic. Here you have a choice between paid and free resources. If you want to save money and not pay fabulous amounts for user traffic, you can try to attract traffic through your own website, blog or community. However, this is time consuming because websites and blogs require promotion; this is why many web masters prefer to buy traffic through teaser networks, contextual advertising services or social networks. The easiest way for a beginner to work with teasers is to gain valuable experience with minimal investment.
After that you can start the first campaigns and rub your hands while waiting for conversion. You should not disregard the tools for analyzing the success of advertising campaigns; at first, the tracker should become your best friend. The system collects data in real time, in case of which you can stop a non profitable campaign. At this stage, it is important to continue to analyse and track your campaigns, edit, close old campaigns or launch new ones, as your investment should pay off. Don't be afraid to make adjustments: affiliate marketing, like online marketing in principle, is a variable direction, and what burns out today may not burn out tomorrow.
Well, if you want to learn everything quickly, without wasting time, then welcome to my author's training, where I tell ,teach and show all the secrets of white and dark partner marketing.
Good luck to everyone and I wish you a profitable days!
Always in touch:- @PaulMcDollar$.